Dressage & Showjumping Championships

PCV White




DATE: February 22 & 23 2025



West Gippsland Zone will proudly welcome riders from across the state to the 2025 Pony Club Victoria Showjumping and Dressage State Championships on Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 February 2025. We are excited to welcome riders to Tonimbuk Equestrian Centre for this year’s event.

A combination may qualify in both disciplines.

Dressage consists of Advanced and Grade 1 for individuals and Grades 2, 3 and 4 for teams of three.  Two dressage tests are conducted for each grade.

Showjumping consists of grade PA for individuals and grades PB, PC and PD for teams of four. However, teams of three may also compete. The total points of the best three riders per class are tallied for the team result.


Please see program for full details of how to enter.

Entries for both disciplines will be made online via Event Secretary.  The link to enter will be provided to eligible competitors via their Zone Representative.


  • See program for full details.
  • Portable yards are not allowed at venue.
  • Yard bookings must be made at time of entry via Event Secretary.


  • Showjumping entry fee $110 per combination.
  • Dressage entry fee $110 per combination.
  • A medical levy of $15 per discipline.
  • A $10 per horse, per day facility fee.
  • Stable $25 per night + $50 refundable cleaning deposit
  • Undercover Yards $20 per night + $50 refundable cleaning deposit.
  • Portable Yards $5 night
  • Camping Powered sites $30 per night
  • Camping Unpowered sites $15 per night


Monday Feb 10, 2025


Email your Zone Representative photos of your membership card showing member & certificate details, & the qualifying records for all mounts you wish to enter.  If you have an EA qualification, provide a link to the results.

Your Zone Representative will verify your eligibility and provide you with the entry details and link to enter.


  • Combinations must be eligible and qualified to enter this event.
  • PCV Membership Cards must be inspected thoroughly at qualifying competitions and by your Zone Representative who authorizes the entry, to ensure eligibility is in accordance with the current rules.
  • Each combination (horse and rider) may only enter and compete in one grade.
  • A rider may nominate multiple mounts for the event in any grade however the combination can only compete once at the event.
  • Combinations must be eligible and qualified to enter this event.
  • The competition is conducted in accordance with all current PCV/PCA rules. Competitors are reminded to ensure they are familiar with the 2024 Pony Club Australia National Gear Rules and ensure their gear is approved or an exemption can be shown.


  • Entry refund requests for all events MUST be lodged in writing no more than 14 days after the last day of the competition.
  • Requests for a refund must be accompanied by a Medical Certificate or Veterinary Certificate.
  • The organising committee may withhold an administration fee of up to 25% of the total entry.



FREE for children 4 & under

  • Roast chicken & salad with free drink and dessert.
  • All dinner bookings via Event Secretary
  • Vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options are available


  • Riders who have been in Pony Club® for more than two years and are aged 14 years & over must have attained their “C” Certificate in order to compete at any state competition.
  • PCV Member cards are not required to be presented at the State Competition.
  • All entries are to be signed off and authorised by the Zone Representative of your zone.



Each combination must be selected through either their zone qualifying competition(s) or the official zone qualifying process, and is subject to the Zone Representative’s approval, in accordance with the PCV Handbook of Bylaws.

The Vicki Connelly Perpetual Shield:

In October 2014 Vicki Connelly passed away after a long and courageous battle with cancer. Vicki had been involved with Pony Club over many years first as a rider at Morwell Pony Club, then as a parent at Wonthaggi Pony Club. She moved up the voluntary administrator tree from Club, to Zone, to State to National. At the time of her untimely death Vicki was Chair of Pony Club Australia. Vicki was very quiet but determined and shared her knowledge willingly at all levels. She offered guidance and support to many volunteers and worked tirelessly for the sport she loved, showjumping. The Vicki Connelly Memorial A Grade Perpetual Shield was struck in 2015 when West Gippsland Zone hosted the Dressage and Showjumping State Championships. It will be presented to the overall winning rider in A Grade in memory of Vicki.

The Marie Gahan Perpetual Shield:







From 1991 Marie Gahan was very active in the Midland Zone of Pony Club Victoria improving the skills of pony club dressage riders. She was a huge influence on any rider who wanted to earn about correct, classical dressage. Marie genuinely put the horse first and had no time for gimmicks and short cuts. At review days for Pony Club A certificate candidates, Marie would demonstrate various dressage movements on her Grand Prix horse The Flying Dutchman and then allow the candidates to ride this highly trained horse. Marie won eleven Grand Prix tests on The Flying Dutchman and was selected to represent Victoria at the International Samsung Cup. She inspired a whole generation of dressage enthusiasts. In 2013 she rewrote the dressage  tests for PCV that were still in use until January 1st 2021. To know Marie was to appreciate her passion for dressage, her genuine love for horses and her straightforward attitude. Up until 2018, Marie continued to instruct privately, sharing her amazing knowledge. She was one of a kind and the dressage world and pony club is the poorer since her passing in September 2019. This award will be presented to the overall winning rider of PCV Advanced.



Class 2    FEI ARTICLE 273.1, 2.1, 3.3.2, 4.3 COMPETITON OVER TWO ROUNDS

Refer to program for full details.


Dressage Grade Test 1 Test 2
Advanced A.2 A.3
Grade 1 1.3 1.4
Grade 2 2.3 2.4
Grade 3 3.3 3.4
Grade 4 4.3 4.4

Dressage Tests – Pony Club Victoria


  • A competitor may raise a query at a competition, on a form provided by the organising committee, available at the event secretary’s office. Organising committees may obtain the query form from PCV web site or state office.
  • Once completed, the competitor must hand the query form to the event secretary for investigation by the appropriate official.
  • The appropriate official must answer the query verbally as soon as possible. If the competitor is not satisfied with the explanation, they may lodge a protest within the prescribed time.



  • A competitor may lodge a protest in writing, with a $50 fee, with the event secretary no later than one hour after the happening that gave rise to the protest or no later than 30 minutes after posting of final scores.
  • The jury of appeal or appropriate persons will consider the protest and their decision is final. The competitor forfeits the fee unless the jury of appeal or appropriate persons uphold the protest or decide that there were reasonable grounds for the protest.


All participants, supporters, volunteers and spectators agree to be bound by the rules of the competition and the rules, regulations and polices of Pony Club®.

Individuals who are not registered members of the organisation are deemed to be “relevant persons” of Pony Club® for the duration of the event.

Any breach of rules, regulations or policies may result in disciplinary action.

For more information our National Integrity Framework, please visit https://ponyclubaustralia.com.au/about-us/resources/national-integrity-framework/.

Event Wrap-up in The Regional

Results - Dressage

Results - Showjumping

Event Photography by

Oz Equestrian Photography

Event Queries:

Claire McDonald 0424148614


Entry Queries:

[email protected]

PCV Office Contact:

03 8685 8925

[email protected]


Sale Showgrounds

East Gippsland Zone


Benalla PC

Northern & Midland Zones


PCVEC – Gladysdale

Affected by fire

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Pony Club Victoria

73-75 MACKIE ROAD, MULGRAVE 3170 | P: 03 8685 8925