PCA Gear Rules Update

June 2023 Updates

Today we were advised by PCA that the National Gear Rules have been updated.

Due to the fact that most of the updates make it easier for members to ride, the updated Gear Rules are effective immediately.

The PCA website has been updated with both an Addendum that outlines the rule updates, and the amended PCA Gear Rules, with the changes marked up in red text.

In addition to the changes to the rules, it has also stipulated that Gear Checks can now be conducted mounted or unmounted.  The PCA Gear Committee considers that the best options are to do gear check mounted at competitions, and either mounted or unmounted at other activities.

Both documents can be found at https://ponyclubaustralia.com.au/sports/national-gear-rules/

If you have any questions regarding these changes, please direct them to [email protected].

PCA Gear Rules


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