Having a Property Identification Code (PIC) is a simple way to give your horse an extra level of protection during emergencies. If there’s a flood, fire or disease outbreak, Agriculture Victoria may need to contact you. Having a PIC means they can reach you quickly.

So, what does a PIC do?

A PIC is an eight-character code specific to where your horse is located. Once registered, the information you supply to the PIC database provides Agriculture Victoria with an understanding of where animals are and, importantly, who to contact in relation to those animals.

Katrina Routson is one of Australia’s largest Friesian horse breeders, and owner of Terarossa Lodge in Warrnambool. Being a leader in the industry, Katrina appreciates the importance of having a PIC.

“If a bushfire comes through someone would know that we have animals,” she says. “It’s good peace of mind for the disease, bushfire, or even for floods.”

In addition to vital information during emergencies, PICs enable Agriculture Victoria to provide key updates to horse owners.

Having a PIC is a legal requirement for properties with horses. It is important to update your PIC in certain instances such as selling your home, or changing your phone number or email address. Up-to-date details are essential during emergencies.

If your horses stay on an agistment property, that property will require a PIC. That’s why, before sending your horses for agistment, you should ask the service provider if they have a PIC for the property.

Getting a PIC is quick, easy, and free. All you need is your contact information, the number of horses you keep, and the parcels of land where your horses are being kept.

Register for a Property Identification Code today at www.agriculture.vic.gov.au/horsepic or call 1800 678 779.

It is a very simple step, for a very special friend.

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