In a movement the size of Pony Club, there is a huge number of people needed to make the endless number of rallies, clinics, camps and events that occur across Victoria every year, the success that they are!

These volunteers operate at every level of Pony Club, from the local club, through to the national governing organisation.

Here at Pony Club Victoria alone, we have a plethora of dedicated people, giving of their time and resources to ensure the organisation continues to define its future, operate to its greatest potential, and provide a pathway for riders to achieve their personal goals with their horse or pony.

As the year draws to a close, we must recognise the hard work these people put in, and thank them for their efforts.

To see a full list of our Board Members, Staff and Committee Members, please visit the Our People section of the website.

Whilst our team is working hard to make sure we can all have the Pony Club experience we hope for, we could always do with some extra help.

If you have some time (it doesn’t have to be much) or expertise that you would like to offer Pony Club Victoria through our Board or one of our many committees, we would love to hear from you.

Whether you can offer a business skill, or discipline-specific knowledge, or just a little bit of time to help us do those jobs that we never seem to get to, we would love for you to put up your hand.  Please express your interest via [email protected].

We are all so busy these days, but many hands make light work, so as they say, the more the merrier!

Speaking of merrier… on behalf of the PCV Office, I would like to wish a big Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and safe New Years, to all our riders, members and especially ours volunteers!

Kind regards,

Mat Glasson – PCV General Manager

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Pony Club Victoria

73-75 MACKIE ROAD, MULGRAVE 3170 | P: 03 8686 8925