Return To Ride Plan (v6.5)

Pony Club Victoria, its members, clubs and the wider community have all been affected by COVID-19. The health, wellbeing and safety of all involved in our sport is vital, as such Pony Club Victoria will continue to work closely with the relevant health authorities, both at a national and state level, to ensure we successfully navigate our way to safely resuming activity and riding for Pony Club in Victoria.

Since the first case of COVID in Australia, life has been challenging in many ways, not only in our sport but in our everyday lives. The Pony Club and wider Victorian community have come together to do what’s best for Victoria as a whole. Although at times the sacrifices we have made, have been hard, we
greatly appreciate the patience of our pony clubbers as together we navigate the changing COVID landscape and work to achieve the safest outcomes for our members and the community.

Safety remains the top priority across all levels of Pony Club and we look forward to seeing our members back at rallies, competitions and activities, by implementing COVID safe measures as detailed in this latest version (include reference).


The purpose of this document is to provide the Office of Sport and Recreation Victoria, Local Government and Councils and the associated government department(s) that manage venues and facilities throughout the state with a comprehensive strategy to ‘Return to Ride’.

All information provided is sourced from relevant national and state  government departments and follows the guidelines as prepared by Sport  Australia, Sport and Recreation Victoria and VicSport.

In the evolving COVID-19 landscape, the recommendations and guidelines detailed in this document will be updated regularly in line with national and state announcements.



Implementing plans, processes and systems
to meet government and health
requirements, and provide safe sport


Ensuring safe facility and participant
practices, like hygiene practices, attendance
registers at training and limiting shared
equipment as much as possible.


Being prepared for management of a COVID-19 outbreak, noting things can change


Consideration of protocols to optimise good
public and participant health into the future.

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73-75 MACKIE ROAD, MULGRAVE 3170 | P: 03 8686 8925